Body Temperature Scanning
Hiscall is now offering a simple, low-cost, thermal imaging system designed to automate body temperature screening.
The solution delivers accurate skin temperature measurements while enabling social distancing protocols. In seconds, the system automatically detects a face, identifies the most reliable facial features for a measure, and displays body temperature. A visual and audible alert goes off if someone is warmer than the alarm temperature.
This process provides an additional layer of preventive screening and delivers more peace of mind to businesses, employees, and customers alike. Perfect for:
- Manufacturing Facilities
- Hotels & Restaurants
- Nursing Homes
- Gyms & Sports Facilities
- Warehouses
- Healthcare Facilities
- Schools & Daycare
- Office Spaces of All Sizes
The product is easy to install and user-friendly.
Automated screening can be installed in lobbies and other key access points to help businesses and institutions create a safer environment for their workforce, customers, members, and patrons.
Thermal Temperature Scanning offers proven technology, meeting FDA requirements and social distancing guidelines. We have free product demonstrations available in both our Dickson and Knoxville offices! Special bundle pricing under our Hiscall Managed Service plans also available! Contact Hiscall today to learn more.