Hiscall’s IT Manager, Buzz Clore invites your Data Department to attend the 3rd Annual 2011 Hiscall Technology Showcase November 2nd and 3rd at the Radisson Hotel Opryland to discover some of the newest technology out there, including Data Networking Equipment, and how it can help your business.
According to Buzz: We like to have fun at Hiscall. Join me November 2nd and 3rd and my fellow geeks at the Radisson Opryland to see the latest and greatest in technology. Over 35 vendors will be present, numerous breakout sessions, lunch and learns, hands on demonstrations and just talk one-on-one with vendors. Come on down and see the greatest technology there is to offer and how we can help you have fun in your data department.
Click Here for more information and to register.
Hiscall, Inc. can help with all your business communication needs. For more information about quality service please call your Hiscall, Inc. Account Consultant directly, visit https://hiscall.com/ or call 866-740-7771.
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