- Do you work in an open area with cubicles?
- Does your office have shared workstations?
- Is your work area densely packed?
- Are your conference rooms adjacent to each other?
Modern office spaces today feature more open, smaller, and often shared workspaces. Open offices, while great for collaboration, offer almost no speech privacy.
What is speech privacy? Speech privacy refers to the ability of an unintended listener to understand another person’s conversation. Overhearing conversations interferes with your internal monologue and makes it difficult to concentrate.
- Do employees ever complain about being distracted by their co-workers?
- Does anyone raise concerns about their conversations being overheard?
- Can private offices hear conversations from other private offices?
- Is sensitive information being discussed?
- Do people keep their office doors closed because it’s too noisy?
- Are Human Resources located next to an area where they could be overheard?
Sound masking in an affordable and effective solution, helping organizations across multiple industries, protect speech privacy and reduce distractions of noises and nearby conversations.
What is sound masking? Sound masking is a key tool to help solve the speech privacy problems. Sound masking is the process of adding a low level, unobtrusive background sound to an environment to reduce the intelligibility of human speech and reduce noise distractions in that environment. Workers can still collaborate with their neighbors without distractions from conversations on the other side of the office.
- Sound masking increases productivity. In a recent study researched found that on average employees wasted 21.5 minutes per day due to conversational distractions, making lack of speech privacy the #1 cause of reduced productivity. Installing sound masking can pay for itself in increased worker productivity gains.
- Sound masking boosts morale. Lack of speech privacy is the #1 driver of worker dissatisfaction in the open office setting according to a recent study of 25,000 office workers. Sound masking increases speech privacy measurably.
- Sound masking protects confidentiality and reduces liability. Closing the door to an office or conference room no longer guarantees speech privacy, and sensitive information overheard by the wrong people could be embarrassing at best and illegal at worst.
With the most effective sound masking technology (such as Cambridge Sound Management’s QtPro and DynasoundPro Sound Masking System), solutions are completely scalable suitable for any size space.
From audio visual needs to telephone technology, Hiscall delivers solutions and services, day and night. Hiscall ensures we are always on track to technologies’ possibilities. Contact Hiscall today to get the highest quality design, A/V system integration and service that exceeds expectations! Give us a call at (866) 740-7771.
Source: Cambridge Sound Management | Campaign in a box | www.cambridgesound.com