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HTS2015 is a less than 1 month away.

We’d love for you to join us for this open, informative tradeshow on September 15th at the Nashville Airport Marriott. The 7th Annual Hiscall Technology Showcase begins at 8:00am and breakouts start at 9:00am. Lunch is at 12noon, keynote at 12:30pm and everything wraps up at 1:30pm. Come spend the first half of your day with us!

We’ve got a great lineup of manufacturer exhibitors demonstrating their products, services and latest state-of-the-art technologies.

Based on previous attendees’ feedback, this year we’ve included more technical breakout session. Three in-depth sessions will lead by telephony manufacturers:

  • Avaya
  • NEC
  • ShoreTel

Six shorter, more all-purpose breakout sessions will take place on the tradeshow floor and will be manufacturer lead by:

  • Aruba Networks
  • Middle Atlantic Products/C2G (Cables2Go)
  • inContact
  • Spectralink
  • Status Solutions
  • TriVium Systems.

This year’s lunch keynote is comedian and speaker Brad Tassell. Brad’s performance is funny, positive, crazy, off-kilter and wise. Not only will you laugh, you will be enlightened. In addition to his stand-up act, Brad is also an accomplished author (and ukulele player).   He has published numerous journals and books on bullying and comedy.

HTS is free to attend with lots of opportunities for networking and prizes. There will be lots of information for technical and non-technical alike. Visit to find the current information and to register to attend.

Hope to see you on September 15th!

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